Cavitation is a form of mold erosion that occurs during casting. In some critical areas of the dies, steel is removed and eroded by an aggression generated by micro-implosions of gases and vapors that occur during the filling of the cavity. 
The rapid deterioration of the dies results in production stoppages and major maintenance operations that compromise the production efficiency. 

by Giovanna Sacchi Nemours January 27, 2023

In terms of mechanical strength, the breaking load is commonly defined as ultimate tensile stress (UTS), which is the maximum external force limit applied beyond which a material loses its functional specifications in terms of strength. Tensile strength tests vary according to the type of stress the material is subjected to, which we will describe later. In our case, are tests to be carried out on a component during production.

by Giovanna Sacchi Nemours March 22, 2022

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