New appointment with the webinar cycle "1 hour of ... with ...": guest of the day Stefano Gheno

by Stefano Airoldi November 30, 2021


A new appointment was held on Monday, November 29, 2021, as part of the "1 hour of ... with ..." initiative, the webinar cycle organized by Bruschi and open to all employees, which aims to provide food for thought on socio-economic issues or linked to the concept of "doing business".

The guest of the day was Dr. Stefano Gheno, university professor at the Catholic University of Milan in the course "Human resources management and psychology of human resources," as well as a leading expert on issues related to the development of organizations and the role of people who are part of it.


1 hour of… with… Stefano Gheno

This appointment with Dr. Stefano Gheno was an opportunity to explore topics concerning the relationship between man and his work and, therefore, closely affect the daily experience of all of us:

  • The importance of motivation to improve performance and promote the well-being of people and companies.
  • The central role of the relationship as the foundation of man and his motivation to work, to rediscover responsibility and mutual care.

These arguments are certainly at the basis of the modern concept of self-empowerment, understood as the ability to increase the person's leading role in his work, and reflect the founding values ​​of Bruschi, which are collaboration, propensity for change, orientation towards result and above all personal and professional growth.

During the meeting, the concept of work was expressed in its many facets: fatigue, its being a tool for survival, the production of income, and finally, for personal fulfillment.

Stefano Gheno, therefore, invited to consider a perspective that highlights the satisfaction of doing one's job well. As quoted by Cesare Pavese in one of his poems, "Twilight of sandblasters," contained within the collection "Working worn out", work brings with it, on the one hand, the pleasure of doing one's tasks well and on the other hand the effort of working. The contradiction between effort and work can be overcome thanks to the desire for personal fulfillment.

Finally, during his speech, Stefano Gheno also analyzed the theories related to the organization of Karl Marx's work. According to Marx, work does not give autonomy and creates a limit to one's freedom. This conception can be overcome through some considerations, such as the perspective of seeing an organization as a set of people where no one works alone, but where there is an interdependence and all the parts are mutually influential. Sharing, co-responsibility, and solidarity are other important characteristics that are part of the relationship between human beings, as well as being able to ask for and give help and which allow you to experience the pleasure of working in an organization.


In conclusion

The webinar with Dr. Stefano Gheno was very interesting. It allowed all Bruschi employees to collect food for thought on issues related to the protagonism of each person in the world of work and civil society, giving each of us the opportunity to find those motivational levers that are the push to dedicate oneself to one's work with patient constancy every day.



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